Week 3: Psychotic and Substance-Use
Fray Gilabert Jofré amparando a un loco
[Father Gilabert Jofré protecting an insane person], by Joaquin Sorolla Bastida, 1887 (Aldana, San Miguel, & Moreno, 2010)
To learn the science of mind and behavior, we begin by reflecting upon the experience of persons with mental illness. Let’s start the week by spending a couple minutes with a painting depicting an experience of mental illness. What is happening here? What comes to mind? Why? Follow the white rabbit.
Reversal Kit - Lindsay Stuart Hill
Now let’s read a poem. Read it twice. What emotions do you feel? Want to know even more? Wander down the rabbit hole.
Now let's play a game
Remember the game, Memory? Match a pair of hippo cards in the first of three short games. Once a match is made, you earn an opportunity to learn this week’s material.
Alternatively, if you are interested in learning modules, click the module button.
If you prefer to get offline and read an actual book—who doesn’t?—please refer to the following pages in the required course textbook. The textbook cannot be accessed online, but can be found in libraries and bookstores, and read outside.
Be assured: it’s the same material presented differently.
Let’s zoom out to the population level. Spend the next five minutes exploring population-health datasets so you can start understanding the scope of mental illness locally, nationally, and internationally.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Let's keep playing!
Music can change a mood.
Sometimes you want a mood matcher
Sometimes you want a mood changer
For each week, students helped us build playlists.
Almost there! Final Game
Remember Memory? Here’s your final round of matching hippo cards for the week.